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学名:Watanabella curvatua
Vertex with pair of black streaks subapically parallel to anterior margin. Eyes brownish. Face yellow, with dark transverse streaks; anteclypeus and lorum yellowish-brown. Pronotum and scutellum yellowish-brown.Head including eyes slightly wider than pronotum, less angulately produced head. Forewing with some extra branches of vein R along the costal margin and an extra crossvein dividing the outer anteapical cell. Other external features as in generic description. Male genitalia. Male pygofer with process on inner side relatively long, strongly arched and serrate on distal margin. Subgenital plate about 2 times as long as wide at base, with 9 long macrosetae along lateral margin, apex extremely narrow, sclerotized. Aedeagus in lateral aspect long, narrowing towards apex, with a pair of evenly recurved spinelike processes extended to middle of shaft, shaft with numerous spines arranged asymmetrically on both sides.